Braddock Realty Corp. Commercial Real Estate | Ben Braddock

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What CLients Are SAying

Ben Braddock understands commercial real estate from every perspective regardless whether your need is simple or complex. If you are a tenant, landlord, seller or buyer, he is a consummate professional and will add value during your transaction.

Vincent C. Andracchio II Home buyer

Ben was able to lease our vacant restaurant space in a matter of days. We found him to be extremely knowledgeable about the market, very professional and responsive to our needs and questions. I recommend hiring Ben for all your real estate needs!

Kurt Tezel President, Supra Color Enterprises, Inc.

Ben Braddock helped me with two real estate transactions in 2020. He not only assisted with the negotiation of the contract and successful completion of the purchases, but also helped obtain estimates of repair costs, obtaining insurance and other considerations. I have since hired him to manage the two properties, and I am so glad I did.

Buddy Howard Raleigh, NC

Mr Braddock is a Rocky Mount Real Estate icon. He is an indispensable part of our real estate team.

Joshua Jensen Raleigh, NC

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